Case Study

Analytics dashboard for a compliance management platform

In this case study, I will share my design process for creating an analytics dashboard for a compliance management platform. It will help property managers to oversee compliance workflow more efficiently and subsequently increase the compliance rate.

Jones Software
April 2022
Product Design
company overview
Project overview

Jones is an AI-driven platform that automates compliance management for vendors and tenants in the built world.

Problem statement

What’s the problem?

What’s the opportunity?

For property managers, COIs are a necessary evil faced by anyone who manages commercial property. COIs protect building owners and tenants against liability from negligent acts of service providers, subcontractors, or anyone else involved with a building. But, because of the time-consuming nature of COIs, they can put extra strain on property managers.

Every day property management teams take care of thousands of insurance certificates with varying levels of compliance. These teams maintain dozens and sometimes hundreds of buildings simultaneously, and it’s almost impossible to keep track of such a massive number of COIs without an effective analytics tool.

Our goals for this project were to:

  • Improve operational efficiency
  • Increase compliance rate
  • Appeal to potential new customers

Desk research

Even though I have done dashboard design in the past, I always find something new in resources like Medium or UX Planet. There are always fresh, more convenient, and functional solutions that need to be taken into account.

Among the many articles on this topic, I would like to highlight the following that gave me a great deal of information:

Dashboards: Making Charts and Graphs Easier to Understand

Graphs — a bumpy design ride

Designing Charts — Principles Every Designer Should Know

Market research

During my competitive analysis, I discovered many compliance management tools such as NetVendor, SmartCompliance, Enterprise Risk Control, etc. However, none of them offered the comprehensive solution our users were asking for — automatic and easy to understand data visualization.

Given the lack of innovation in the property technology market, I got inspiration from more modern services like Zendesk and Mixpanel — in search of the perfect dashboard.

Key takeaways:

  • The compliance status rate should be shown at two levels - overall and by property
  • The collection and compliance rate should be added to the top of the dashboard page
  • Property managers should be able to filter compliance rate by property and status
  • Expiration month of COIs should be tracked
  • Down the line, it’s worth considering dividing the dashboard into tabs

Mini personas

Property owner


Property owners with Class A commercial buildings want to minimize liability (risk) while maximizing Net Operating Income across their properties.


  • Minimize liability
  • Increase Net Operating Income

Property manager


Hired to oversee the day-to-day operations of a unit of real estate. Handle maintenance, repair issues, and responding to tenant complaints.


  • Improve operational efficiency
  • Increase compliance rate
Mapping & wireframes


Developing the information architecture of the dashboard, I first created the structure of all pages that will be created in subsequent phases. However, for the first phase, we decided to focus on the Overview page only.

Dashboard information architecture

After defining the dashboard structure in perspective and the first phase, I made a low fidelity wireframe where I selected the required metrics for the first phase and potential additions in case the development took less time than expected.

Low-fidelity wireframe


Final UI design

When developing the final design, I began to work on all possible states for the widgets. Some empty states do not simply indicate a lack of data but can also show a success state, as in the case of the "Required attention" widget. As you can see the design of this widget is different from the others.

“Required attention”

Analytics dashboard for a compliance management platform

The final design

After all the iterations, I ended up removing the "Collected COI vs. Awaiting" widget and slightly reorganized the dashboard to better highlight important metrics.

Analytics dashboard for a compliance management platform

High-fidelity wireframe

Skeleton loader

Since it takes time to load such a massive amount of data on one page, I created an animated skeleton loader. It mimics the structure and look of the entire page and gives an idea regarding what kind of content is loading in each block.

Analytics dashboard for a compliance management platform

Skeleton loader

What’s next?

When releasing software, the goal is not to ship a “complete” product. Waiting until every desired feature is packed before releasing is a sure-fire way to mess things up. Like all projects, this one was not immune to time and personnel constraints. Thus, this initial release is missing some big ideas that we plan to add:

  • Tabs for better organization and structure
  • More detailed KPIs for Expiration, Coverage and Geography
  • Ability to export data

Many thanks for taking the time to read this. Hit me up anytime on to let me know what you think, ask questions, talk product, or say hi.

Case Study

Analytics dashboard for a compliance management platform

In this case study, I will share my design process for creating an analytics dashboard for a compliance management platform. It will help property managers to oversee compliance workflow more efficiently and subsequently increase the compliance rate.

Jones Software
April 2022
Product Design
Project overview

Jones is an AI-driven platform that automates compliance management for vendors and tenants in the built world.

Problem statement

What’s the opportunity?

For property managers, COIs are a necessary evil faced by anyone who manages commercial property. COIs protect building owners and tenants against liability from negligent acts of service providers, subcontractors, or anyone else involved with a building. But, because of the time-consuming nature of COIs, they can put extra strain on property managers.

Every day property management teams take care of thousands of insurance certificates with varying levels of compliance. These teams maintain dozens and sometimes hundreds of buildings simultaneously, and it’s almost impossible to keep track of such a massive number of COIs without an effective analytics tool.

How will we measure success?

  • Adoption (onboarded sellers)
  • Monthly active sellers
  • Average seller earnings
  • Program revenues
  • Renewal rate
research & discovery


Analytics dashboard for a compliance management platform

Desk research

Even though I have done dashboard design in the past, I always find something new in resources like Medium or UX Planet. There are always fresh, more convenient, and functional solutions that need to be taken into account.

Among the many articles on this topic, I would like to highlight the following that gave me a great deal of information:

Dashboards: Making Charts and Graphs Easier to Understand

Graphs — a bumpy design ride

Designing Charts — Principles Every Designer Should Know

Market research

What’s a Rich Text element?

During my competitive analysis, I discovered many compliance management tools such as NetVendor, SmartCompliance, Enterprise Risk Control, etc. However, none of them offered the comprehensive solution our users were asking for — automatic and easy to understand data visualization.

Given the lack of innovation in the property technology market, I got inspiration from more modern services like Zendesk and Mixpanel — in search of the perfect dashboard.


Program structure & entry points

High level program structure

Developing the information architecture of the dashboard, I first created the structure of all pages that will be created in subsequent phases. However, for the first phase, we decided to focus on the Overview page only.

Information architecture

User flow

After defining the dashboard structure in perspective and the first phase, I made a low fidelity wireframe where I selected the required metrics for the first phase and potential additions in case the development took less time than expected.

User flow


Seller’s flow

Each entry point in the sellers' interface, as well as the email, leads to the Seller Plus landing page. Clicking on any button on the landing page takes the users to a redesigned payment page, where they can pay for the program with Fiverr Balance or add a credit card details.

When developing the final design, I began to work on all possible states for the widgets. Some empty states do not simply indicate a lack of data but can also show a success state, as in the case of the "Required attention" widget. As you can see the design of this widget is different from the others.

Analytics dashboard for a compliance management platform

Seller Plus landing page

Seller Plus program page

After successful payment, the users get access to the program page where they can do the following:

  • Choose a manager relevant to the seller's business category and set up an online meeting with him, where they can together create a plan for developing the seller's business.
  • Manage coupons and send them to new and repeat buyers.
  • Analyze the gigs conversion, track advanced order statistics, and also see what keywords buyers use to find the seller's gig.
  • Participate in private events such as webinars and workshops available only to program members.
  • Watch videos and read articles created exclusively for the Seller plus program.
Analytics dashboard for a compliance management platform

Seller Plus program page

Many thanks for taking the time to read this. Hit me up anytime on to let me know what you think, ask questions, talk product, or say hi.

Case Study

Analytics dashboard for a compliance management platform

In this case study, I will share my design process for creating an analytics dashboard for a compliance management platform. It will help property managers to oversee compliance workflow more efficiently and subsequently increase the compliance rate.

Jones Software
April 2022
Product Design
Project overview

Jones is an AI-driven platform that automates compliance management for vendors and tenants in the built world.

Problem statement

What’s the opportunity?

For property managers, COIs are a necessary evil faced by anyone who manages commercial property. COIs protect building owners and tenants against liability from negligent acts of service providers, subcontractors, or anyone else involved with a building. But, because of the time-consuming nature of COIs, they can put extra strain on property managers.

Every day property management teams take care of thousands of insurance certificates with varying levels of compliance. These teams maintain dozens and sometimes hundreds of buildings simultaneously, and it’s almost impossible to keep track of such a massive number of COIs without an effective analytics tool.

What data supports this?

  • Customer Success Manager (CSM) user interviews
  • Comparison to other analytical dashboards
  • Basic means of success on Fiverr that sellers are not aware of, e.g. pricing and metadata.

What is the hypothesis?

If we provide an analytical dashboard where sellers can see opportunities for improvement, in combination with coaching by CSMs, we will see better performance in the marketplace in terms of quality and orders.

How will we measure success?

  • Usability of the feature
  • Retention in Seller Plus program
  • Improvement in performance
Mapping & wireframes

Dashboard architecture

💰 Business analytics

Seller statistics compared to the selected group (%). Create FOMO, show how much more I can make. Drive people to action.

📊 Traffic analytics

Show different funnels and programs sellers get their orders from. Educate them how to improve their order funnel.

🔍 Keywords (Search)

Show trend in the subcategory so sellers can get more exposure. For Fiverr, the reason is to fill the right shelves in the marketplace.


Seller’s flow

When developing the final design, I began to work on all possible states for the widgets. Some empty states do not simply indicate a lack of data but can also show a success state, as in the case of the "Required attention" widget. As you can see the design of this widget is different from the others.

Analytics dashboard for a compliance management platform

Locked features

All previously locked tabs become available after the user signs up for the program. Each tab contains filters for gigs, as well as a time interval (30-60-90 days). On the Gig performance page, the user gets information about the conversion rate, click-through rate, and a comparison with other sellers in the same business category.

Analytics dashboard for a compliance management platform

Gig performance

Since Fiver has different channels and labels buyers use to find gigs, I've added relevant widgets to the Orders Breakdown page. If the seller does not have orders from some programs, this should motivate him to participate — for example, Promoted Gigs or Fiverr Business.

Analytics dashboard for a compliance management platform

Orders breakdown

The third tab, available to Seller Plus members, shows the top key search terms for which users find the seller's gig. For each keyword, the seller can see the number of impressions, clicks, orders, conversion rate, and revenue.

Analytics dashboard for a compliance management platform

Top keywords

Finally, I updated the UI for the existing homepage in addition to the new analytics categories. I changed and simplified the logic of the Overview widget, added a few filters, and updated the colors so that all the analytics pages look and feel in the same style as the new branding.

Analytics dashboard for a compliance management platform

Updated overview

Many thanks for taking the time to read this. Hit me up anytime on to let me know what you think, ask questions, talk product, or say hi.

Case Study

Analytics dashboard for a compliance management platform

In this case study, I will share my design process for creating an analytics dashboard for a compliance management platform. It will help property managers to oversee compliance workflow more efficiently and subsequently increase the compliance rate.

Jones Software
April 2022
Product Design
company overview

Jones is an AI-driven platform that automates compliance management for vendors and tenants in the built world.

project overview

What’s the problem?

For property managers, COIs are a necessary evil faced by anyone who manages commercial property. COIs protect building owners and tenants against liability from negligent acts of service providers, subcontractors, or anyone else involved with a building. But, because of the time-consuming nature of COIs, they can put extra strain on property managers.

Every day property management teams take care of thousands of insurance certificates with varying levels of compliance. These teams maintain dozens and sometimes hundreds of buildings simultaneously, and it’s almost impossible to keep track of such a massive number of COIs without an effective analytics tool.

My goals for this project were to:

Design an application that will allow managers and owners to see the key performance indicators of the restaurant and use this information to grow their business.


  • Conducting interviews
  • Paper and digital wireframing
  • Low and high-fidelity prototyping
  • Conducting usability studies
  • Accounting for accessibility
  • Iterating on designs
research & discovery

My research process

I conducted interviews and created empathy maps to understand the users I’m designing for and their business needs. A primary user group identified through research was restaurant owners and shift managers who wants to have clear visibility on the restaurant performance.

Developing the information architecture of the dashboard, I first created the structure of all pages that will be created in subsequent phases. However, for the first phase, we decided to focus on the Overview page only.


Restaurant owner


Business owner who wants to be aware of the current situation with his business, and how to make it more profitable and more prosperous.


  • Keep restaurant full and busy
  • Get repeat customers
  • Opening new restaurant

Shift manager


Restaurant manager who wants to increase income and expand target audience.


  • Keeping restaurant full and busy
  • Personnel performance evaluation

User pain points


Restaurant owners are too busy to think about new ways to increase the revenue.


Lack of performance information as there is no single source of data.


A large number of performance indicators and thousands of reports that are difficult to process.

User journey map: Restaurant owner

Goal: A fast and easy way to get an employee performance report on email.




The restaurant analytics app can bring numerous benefits to restaurant owners and managers. Firstly, it can help them gain a better understanding of their business's performance by providing real-time data and insights on key performance indicators such as sales, revenue, and customer satisfaction.

Secondly, the app can help owners and managers make data-driven decisions when it comes to menu planning, pricing, and promotions. By analyzing customer behavior and preferences, they can tailor their offerings to meet the needs and preferences of their customers, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

One quote from business owner feedback:

“The app changed my life completely! it’s so easy to use

and it became my favorite app on my phone”

What’s next?

  • Conduct another round of usability studies to validate whether the pain points users experienced have been effectively addressed.
  • Conduct more user research to determine any new areas of need

Many thanks for taking the time to read this. Hit me up anytime on to let me know what you think, ask questions, talk product, or say hi.

Case Study

Analytics dashboard for a compliance management platform

In this case study, I will share my design process for creating an analytics dashboard for a compliance management platform. It will help property managers to oversee compliance workflow more efficiently and subsequently increase the compliance rate.

Jones Software
April 2022
Product Design
company overview

Jones is an AI-driven platform that automates compliance management for vendors and tenants in the built world.

Problem statement

Why redesign?

For property managers, COIs are a necessary evil faced by anyone who manages commercial property. COIs protect building owners and tenants against liability from negligent acts of service providers, subcontractors, or anyone else involved with a building. But, because of the time-consuming nature of COIs, they can put extra strain on property managers.

Every day property management teams take care of thousands of insurance certificates with varying levels of compliance. These teams maintain dozens and sometimes hundreds of buildings simultaneously, and it’s almost impossible to keep track of such a massive number of COIs without an effective analytics tool.

Goals for this project:


Refine messaging to be more in aligned with our values and benefits.

New Pages

Create new pages that are relevant for ICP prospects that might be browsing.

Look & Feel

Refresh the look and feel in accordance with the new brand guidelines.

research & discovery

My design process

Based on the audience research conducted for the website, we have identified several key areas of improvement for our content strategy. Using this information, we have created a content strategy that focuses on producing high-quality, engaging content that meets the needs and interests of our target audience.

Site map


Design system

Once the wireframes have been created and edited, the next step was to start building the final user interface. The first thing I started with was a design system - a collection of reusable components that can be used throughout the website, ensuring consistency and efficiency in the design process.

I started with primitive elements such as colors, typography styles, buttons, and form fields. These elements were combined to create more complex components such as navigation menus, headers, and footers.


Performance metrics

The new website is showcasing an improvement in the main KPIs like organic relevant traffic, visitor engagement, and the conversion rate.

Time on page

Тhe average visitor's time on the page increased by 15%

Bounce rate

The number of visitors who left the website after viewing only one page decreased by 10%

Conversion rate

The number of live demo requests on a website increased by 4%

Secondary conversions

The number of secondary conversionssuch as email submissions or downloads increased by 18%


Life after launch

Optimize for conversions

  • Add more lead magnet spots on solution pages and home pages
  • Send the “half leads” into CRM by connecting CTA to HubSpot

Consolidate high value content on the website

  • Case studies hub and pages: B&A, SavCon, Gaedeke
  • Blog optimization
  • Webinar and Newsletter Hub pages

Accommodate demand gen and content

  • Design a LP template for downloads
  • Design a campaign template LP
  • Design an SEO page LP

Many thanks for taking the time to read this. Hit me up anytime on to let me know what you think, ask questions, talk product, or say hi.